MUFON Proceedings 1971 P1




The conference theme is planned to demonstrate the scientific challenges set forth by the UFO enigma. The magnitude of current efforts ty the Midwest UFO Network is accentuated by the Annual Midwest UFO Conference where nationally known scientists, engineers and writers lecture on their particular specialization or contributions to the study of the UFO phenomenon.


Walter H. Andrus, Jr.

Stanton T. Friedman

Hayden C. Hewes

Sherman J. Larsen

Ted Phillips, Jr.

William H. Hunkins .

Alexander Calandra, Ph.D.

Moderator: John F. Schuessler, Director

UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis, Inc.




Leonard H. Stringfield.

Conference Proceedings Holiday Inn – North St. Louis, Missouri

12 June 1971

! contents’ ■

.             . J ■                    .       .   page

Bibliography and Photos                            1

Introduction – UFO Study Group of Greater

St. Louis, Inc. by John F. Schuessler, Director     16

Introduction – Midwest UFO Network

by Waiter H. Andrus, Jr., Director…..             18


“The Alien Intruders” by Hayden C. Hewes           23

“Documentation: Evidence of Government Concern”

by Sherman J. Larsen                               39

“Landing Traces: Physical Evidence for the UFO”

by Ted Phillips, Jr                                53

“Geomagnetism and UFO-Induced Disturbances – An Aid to

Detection” by William H. Hunkins.                   65

“Science, Truth and the UFO”

by Alexander Calandra                              73

“UFOs – Myth and Mystery” by Stanton T. Friedman.   78

PREPARED PAPER ‘     ‘   ‘  ‘

“The Anatomy of UFO Evidence”

by Leonard H. Stringfield………..               102

Selected References………………..   *…… 112


Text Box: Address:
UFO Interests:
John F. Schuessler

Box 9, 0 ‘Fallon, Missouri 63366

McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company – East. Presently assigned to the Skylab Program as Group Design Engineer; responsible for life support and thermal control system equipment design for the airlock module.

Observed UFO sighting in 19W.

Director, UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis, Inc.

Missouri State Director for the Midwest UFO Network (MUFON).

Astronautics Consultant for MUFON.

Editor of UFO Potpourri.

Staff Member for SKYLOOK, the Official publication of MUFON.

Lecturer on UFOs (as requested by reliable organizations, schools, radio and TV and educational institutions preferred) . ■

Advisor to more than a dozen small UFO groups throughout the United States.                                                   .

Eight years experience as a field investigator and analytical UFO researcher.

Of                                                                                  ■

Walter H. Andrus, Jr.

Address: 40 Christopher Court, Quincy, Illinois 62301

Birthplace & Date: Des Moines, Iowa – 12 December 1920

Marital Status: Married, wife’s name – Jeanne

One son, Donald L. Andrus who is married to

Mary Lynn Hodges; Granddaughter, Chelsea Marie, 2 years old

Education: Graduate of Roosevelt High School, Des Moines, Iowa

Graduate of Central Technical Institute, Kansas City, Missouri

Graduate of U.S. Navy Electronics Technician Program, Chicago, Illinois

Attended University of Kansas City, University of Missouri

Branch and Quincy College

Present Employment: Quality Control Manager, Motorola, Inc., Quincy, Illinois (22 years)

Former Employment: Clerical, Bankers Life Company, Des Moines, Iowa (2 years)

Instructor, Central Technical Institute, Kansas City, Missouri

Station Manager, Mid-Continent Airlines (7 years)

Military Service:     Electronics Technician, U.S. Navy World War II

(2* years)

Civic Activities: Member, Quincy Chamber of Commerce (23 years) Past President, Kiwanis Club of Quincy

Past President, Quincy Toastmasters Club No. 129

• Member, Industrial Association of Quincy (22 years)

Deputy Director, Quincy-Adams County Civil Defense (7 years)

Advisor to Key Club, Quincy Senior High School (8 years)                  ,

Past President, Western Illinois Radio Club

Professional Societies: Chairman, Quinsippi Section of American Society for Quality Control

Church Membership:     Elder, First United Presbyterian Church, Quincy,


Specialized Organizations: Director, Midwest UFO Network (July 1970 to present)

Holds Private Pilot License

F.C.C. Radiotelephone First Class License

Amateur Radio Operator. Advanced Class, call letters W9KEC, (32 years)

Bibliography of Walter H. Andrus, Jr. (continued)

Specialized Organizations:  Staff Member, SKYLOOK.

(continued)                 Lectured. on Subject of UFOs since 196U throughout

– ,                        Midwest – Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma.

. ; ,                        Personal UFO sighting report follows.

Unidentified Flying Object Observation Report

Date:           15 August 1948

Time:           1:00 P.M.

Location:       Phoenix, Arizona


Made By:        Walter H. Andrus, Jr., Mrs. W. H. Andrus, Jr., and

Donald L. Andrus                 .                       ■

Date of

Report:         31 January 1966            ■ ■ .

While vacationing  in Phoenix, Arizona, we  were walking  on the south side of an

east-west street and had stopped to observe a Steannan Trainer aeroplane towing a glider over  the city.  My  son, who was 5 years of age at the time, pointed  up in the sky      toward

the northeast and said, “Look daddy, silver balloons.” Four round- dull silver objects were floating slowly in the northeast at an angle of U5 degrees above the horizon moving straight west.  Three  were flying in a geometric formation, while  the  fourth was lower

and  considerably behind the first three.  They were flying in a formation opposite to

that  of fighter aircraft, where one protects the other directly below it. The  lead

craft was the highest and the next two followed at a lower level equally spaced behind to form a line, while the fourth craft was spaced out behind and lower than the formation.

It was a perfectly clear day, without a cloud in the sky, therefore I was unable to estimate their altitude in relation to a particular cloud formation height.  At that

time I   was the Station Manager for Mid-Continent Airlines  (now merged with Braniff         Inter­

national) in Quincy, Illinois, and held a U.S. Weather Bureau Observers Certificate, and a private pilots license. Since we had no way of determining their altitude and estimate their diameter, their  individual size could be described as the size of a shirt button held at arms length. My son, who saw them first, has such poor eyes that he had to start wearing corrective lenses when he was seven years of age (two years later). Every­one on our side of the street stopped to watch these objects as we followed them slowly across the sky.

Moving directly west,  they  arrived at a point nearly straight north of us when

the  lead object disappeared in the clear sky. When  the second object arrived at the

same  point it also disappeared as did each of the following two. Since  “flying saucers”

had been reported the year before in the newspapers, we became seriously interested, because we  felt that we were observing such a phenomena at that moment. We   reasoned

that if they continued straight west at the same angle to the horizon they might return to view  just as easy as they had disappeared. (As  a weather observer.I daily released

balloons  to measure the height of clouds above the Qunicy Airport, but  our balloons, of

course, never broke  flying parallel to the earth.) The   wind was blowing  from the west

on this date, which is the prevailing direction in Phoenix, Arizona. (if they had been balloons  they were flying directly against the wind,  or the winds aloft were blowing

at 180 degrees opposite direction, which is possible but very unusual.)

We continued to move  our eyes across the sky at about the same rate of speed as

the  four objects had been traveling when they pulled their disappearing act. Between

north-northwe st and northwest the first three objects still flying in formation reap­peared  just as rapidly as they previously exited.  The fourth object was never seen

again. We continued to watch them until they became so faint in the western sky that no more formation could be secured. The total time of the observation exceeded ten minutes, therefore the craft were either flying relatively slow or they were immense in size and flying very high.

They were perfectly round in shape when observed, but  had to be very thin in

thickness, because they simply rolled over on edge giving a profile view with the effect        of disappearing in a clear sky. If  they were somewhat translucent when viewed

from their edges this would also cause them to be difficult to observe. We could not see them with the naked eye during the period stated when they seemed to disappear. There was no sounc detected( only the street noises) and no Jet vapor trail or light was emitted from the craft.

I was carrying a small camera and had Just come out of a photography shop less than      a block away where I had purchased another roll of film, but  I had not loaded my

camera.   (This was my misfortune.) We   did not report this sighting to anyone in Phoenix,

since we were flying back to Qunicy, Illinois, that same afternoon.

Our sighting  was not reported to any military, governmental, or  civilian UFO inves­

tigating agency at that time. It has been referred to in articles in the Quincy Herald- Whig during the past two years when I have given speeches on UFOs for civic, church, school, and fraternal organ!zations.


Hayden C. Hewes

Subject:  “The Alien Intruders”

Today,  as we explore outer space our leading scientists agree that millions of other

worlds must exist and that some may have sustained civilizations further advanced than our own. Some contend that the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects to be a manifestation of other civilizations. Others, with equal sincerity, believe that the     explanation for their existence lies in the realm of the natural sciences. In

an attempt to determine if one of these is the explanation for this mystery of the ages, I decided to do what I could to help solve the puzzle.

My interest in UFOLOGY is shared by my wife Kietha, who is Assistant Editor of the KANSAS OKLAHOMA NEWSLETTER, a monthly publication dealing with UFO and psychic news.. Our oldest  daughter Laura Lea, 8, is  in the 3rd grade at John Carroll School. Tammy

Ann, U, and Christian Cooper, 2, make the family complete.

For the past 7 years I have worked for the Central Merchandise Company, better known as TG&Y, in the main warehouse located in Oklahoma City. My position is checking merchandise out  as it is received in the receiving department. We  attend the Cathedral

of Our Lady in Oklahoma City where I am on the Board of Directors of the Mens Club, which organizes the Church social functions.

After graduation from  high school in 1962 (named Junior Scientist of the Month, March

1959, by the Oklahoma City Geological Society) I attended the University of Oklahoma majoring  in Aeronautical and Space Engineering. Afterwards  I studied psychology at

Oklahoma City University.

Since becoming active in the UFO field in 1957, I was permitted to visit and question, by special  authorization from the Pentagon, the  Air Force UFO Investigation Project

located at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio (Project Bluebook). I was one of six Oklahomans selected to work with the University of Colorado’s “Condon Committee”. In 1965 and 1966 I was featured by NBC News on “Monitor”, and by the French Broadcasting Company in a special UFO documentary movie. I have been approached by Crosswill Productions, Hollywood, about a forthcoming movie.

A UFO symposium was sponsored in 1970 in Oklahoma City which was attended by almost 500 persons.      Over  1200 attended the 1971 symposium on February 27 and 28.

“The Aliens”, a digest size book co-authored by my wife, and Hal Crawford, was re­leased at        the 1970 symposium. National  publicity was given to “The Aliens” in  the

2k January  1971 issue of the National Enquirer. National  publicity was also given

in the  11 April 1971 issue of THE NATIONAL TATTLER. DESTINY  Magazine (Vol. 1, No. 1)

in July featured a 15-page article on the symposium and ALIENS.

At the present time I serve as Director of the INTERNATIONAL UFO BUREAU, U.S. Con­tributing Editor of the CANADIAN UFO REPORT, Monthly Columnist for DESTINY Magazine, and State-Section Director for the Central Oklahoma area of the Midwest UFO Network, (MUFON).

A forthcoming book “THE INTRUDERS” co-authored by Hal Crawford will be released soon.


Sherman J. Larsen

Subject:   “Documentation: Evidence of Government Concern”

Mr. Larsen of Glenview, Illinois, has been active with the UPO subject since 1953. For three years he read and- studied what little material was then available.                                                                              ‘

In 1956 he was invited to join NICAP, the National Investigations Com­mittee on Aerial Phenomena (Washington, D. C*) j and has been a continu- 3 ous member since then.                                                    _         •

In 1965, with the formation of the Chicago Affiliate of NICAP, he became the first elected President, and holds that position today. .

For   the past six  years Mr.  Larsen  has presided  over  the regular monthly

meetings of the NICAP Chicago Affiliate, presented lectures extensively before civic, scientific, educational, fraternal, government and politi­cal groups and has also been on radio and television a number of times.

During the past three years Mr. Larsen and his associate Mr. William

Laub, co-authored and present what they believe to be, the only academ­ically approved Adult Education Course of instruction on the UFO subject in the nation on a continuing basis.

Mr.   Larsen was recently  appointed  State-Section  Director  of the  Midwest

UFO Network for the Chicago, Illinois area. . .        ‘


Ted Phillips, Jr.

Subject: “Landing Traces: Physical Evidence for the UFO”

Ted,  who hails from Sedalia, Missouri,   is  married  and has been  an

employee of the Missouri State Highway Department for the past eight years.

He has been interested in unidentified flying objects for the past seventeen years. He became more interested while he was the Junior Representative for the Mid-States Area of the National Astronomical League.

Astronomy has been a prime hobby of Ted’s for some twenty-two yaars. He was President of the Sedalia (Missouri) Astronomy Club for three years and a participant in the 1958 Vanguard Moon Watch program.

Ted uses a six inch, f/15 reflecting telescope for lunar and planetary observations. He has been very active in amateur and professional photography for   the past six years.  Since  1964, he  has been  a member

of the National Speleological Society.

During the past five years Mr. Phillips has personally investigated over one      hundred     reports of UFO sightings.  He   has been  a member  of

the staff of SKYLOOK since 1967 and also a member and State-Section Director          in Missouri  for the Midwest  UFO Network.  Ted  is also a Field

Investigator with the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization.

For the past twenty months Ted conducted research on ground traces found at          alleged UFO landing sites.  This research   has  led to the

cataloging of some 257 cases of this type.


William H. Hunkins

Subject:  “Geomagnetism and UFO-Induced Disturbances – An Aid

to Detection”

“Bill” received his BA degree in General Science in 1966 and his MA    degree    in     Library     Science in  1969 from  the University  of Iowa.

From 1969-1970 he established a health sciences library at Eastern Iowa Community College, Scott Campus, at Davenport, Iowa.

Bill’s work experience includes Emerson Electric, Electronics and Space       Division  at Mt. Pleasant,  Iowa.  There   he worked  in the Quality

Control Department and two years experience in the instrument labora­tory. He is presently with the University of Iowa, Government Docu­ments Department where he is a U.S. Acquisitions Librarian.

Bill’s interest in unidentified flying objects began while serving with     the       U.S. Air Force.      He  is a member  of NICAP, APRO  and is a

State-Section Director of the Midwest UFO Network for the Eastern Iowa area. His Amateur Radio Call letters are WA0KOM.

Bill and his family presently reside in Coralville, Iowa.



Alexander Calandra Ph.D.

Subject: “Science, Truth and the UFO”

Professor Calandra, a resident of Ballwin, Missouri, received his B.S. degree (Chemistry) from Brooklyn College (1935) and  his Ph.D. (Statistics) from  New York

University (19^0). From 19^0-19^7 he was Professor of Chemistry at City College in New York and with the University of Chicago from 19^7-19^9• Professor Calandra presently is Professor of Physics at Washington University and Chairman of the Webster College Science Department in St. Louis.

He is also consultant to the Xerox Corporation, the National Science Foundation, the St. Louis Public School System, and a frequent guest on the CBS-TV show “Magic People”.

PUBLISHED BOOK: “The  Teaching of Elementary Science and Mathematics”, ACCE  Reporter,

829 Woodruff Drive, Ballwin, Missouri 63011.


Stanton T. Friedman

Subject: “UFOs – Myth and Mystery”

Born – 29 July 193^, Elizabeth, New Jersey

  • 3c. Physics, M. Sc. Physics – University of Chicago, 1955, 1956

1956 – 1959 – General Electric, Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Department, Cincinnati, Ohio. Experimental and analytical aspects of radiation shielding for nuclear aircraft. .

1959 – 1963 – Aerojet General Nucleonics, San Francisco. Develop­ment of various nuclear systems for space and terrestrial applica­tions; fusion propulsion for space, consultant on radiation shielding.

1963 – 1966 – Allison Division, General Motors, Indianapolis. Military Compact Reactor Program (responsible for all shielding aspects), mag­netohydrodynamics, desalination, and other related projects.

1966 – 1968 – Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory, Pittsburg. NERVA nuclear rocket program. Fellow scientist concerned principally with radiation shielding experiments and nuclear instrumentation.

29 July 1968 – Participated in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, before Committee on Science and Ast ronauti c s, U.S. House of- Represen­tatives, Ninetieth Congress, Second Session.

1969 – 1971 – TRW Systems, Development of nuclear systems for space­craft.                                                  .

Professional affiliations include membership in the American Physical Society, the American Nuclear Society, the American Institute of Aero­nautics and Astronautics, the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organ!zation and the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon. Mr. Friedman is a former Director of the UFO Research Institute of Pittsburg and on the Standards and Program Committees of the Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society. He has given over 100 lectures to college, professional and lay audiences on the UFC subject throughout the United States  and Canada since 1966 and on a private level for eight years. He

has made many radio and television appearances, newspaper interviews, and has presented papers at technical society meetings where he has chaired sessions at such meetings. He has written numerous classified and unclassified reports and has published articles on UFOs, as well as or radiation shielding.

Mr. Friedman, his wife, and three children presently reside in Redondo Beach, California.

 BIBLIOGRAPHY Of      . : . Leonard H. Stringfield                •

Subject: “The Anatomy of UFO Evidence”

Home Address:U12 Grove Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio
Married:Wife’s first name, Dell
Children;Colette, Denise, Camille
Business:Director of Public Relations DuBois Chemicals (Main Office) Cincinnati. Ohio (20| years;

Military Experience: World War II:

‘  Served in Intelligence & Counter-

 intelligence Service, 5th Air Force 31 months in the South Pacific Campaign, including 26 months in – combat areas. Participated in the vanguard force in the initial occupation of Japan – 3 days prior to surrender.
UFO Background:Director of CRIFO (Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects), 1953 – 1957. Published Monthly Paper; named CRIFO Newsletter. later changed to ORBIT. 19^ – 1957. Published Book: “Inside Saucer Post… 3-0 Blue”, 1957. Book reyi ewed his UFO investigation and evaluations. “3-0 Blue” was part of the code name during special assignment with Air Defense Command. (Price of book $2.50.) Special Assignment with Air Force: Reported UFO activity, as a coordinate with Ground Observer Corps, to the Air Filter Center, Air Defense Command, Columbus, Ohio, using code name “FOX TROT KILO – 3-0 BLUE”, 195^ – 1957.
(Bibliography ofLeonard H. Stringfield continued)
UFO Background:President, Cincinnati UFO Society,
(continued)1957 – 1959.  Composed mainly of professional and scientific people. Adviser to NICAP (National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena of Washington, D. C.). Lecturer: Speaking on behalf of Air Force to GCC personnel, and, on behalf of CRIFC to prominent groups.                    ’                   . Served as Early Warning Coordinator for Colorado Project, headquartered in Boulder, • Colorado, under direction of Dr. Condon;’• Special arrangement with Cincinnati Police
 .      Department and Southwestern Ohio police units to investigate reported UFO reports, etc. Conducted UFOLOGY class, Mariemont High School, Mari emont, Ohio, 1969. State-Section Director of the Midwest UFO Network for Southwest Ohio, 19?1.

of* “              .


“The Anatomy of UFO

HomeGrove Avenue Ohio
Married:first name, Dell
Business:Public Relations Chemicals (Main Cincinnati. Ohio (20| years)

World War II:

Served in Intelligence & Counter-

 intelligence           5th Air Force 31 months in the South Pacific Campaign, including 26 months in areas. Participated in the vanguard force the initial occupation of Japan – 3 days        to surrender.
UFODirector of         (Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects), 1953 1957. Published Monthly Paper;         CRIFO later changed to ORBIT, 1957. Published Book: “Inside Saucer 1957. Book reviewed his UFO investigation                   evaluations. was part of the code name during special assignment with Air Defense Command. (Price of book Special Assignment with Air Force: Reported UFO activity,      a coordinate with Ground Observer Corps, to the Air Filter Center, Air Defense Command, Columbus, Ohio, using code name “FOX TROT KILO – 3-0                    – 1957.

(Bibliography of Leonard H. Stringfield continued)

UFO Background: (continued)President, Cincinnati UFO Society, 1957 – 1959.              Composed mainly of professional and scientific people. Adviser to NICAP (National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena of Washington, D. C.).                     , Lecturer: Speaking on behalf of Air Force to GCC personnel, and, on behalf of CRIFO to prominent groups. Served as Early Warning Coordinator for Colorado Project, headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, under direction of Dr. Condon.       ‘ Special arrangement with Cincinnati Police Department and Southwestern Ohio police units to investigate reported UFO reports, etc. Conducted UFOLOGY, class, Mariemont High School, Mariemont, Ohio, 1969. State-Section Director of the Midwest UFO Network for Southwest Ohio, 19?1.